SSD Drives

Buy no new computer with anything other than an SSD or M2 drive for storage.

The most valuable upgrade to come to consumer computing since I started business in 2000 are solid state drives. They are essentially a usb thumb drive, or flash drive shaped to look like the hard drive in your computer. Old drives consisted of magnetic spinning disks and a quickly moving laser arm to read them. Solid state drives are just circuit boards with no moving parts. They are so much faster than your old hard drive that you can put them into 3-5 yr old computers and make them run, in most cases, better than a new computer with a mechanical drive.

If after 2016 someone tries to sell you a computer without an SSD drive, look them in the eye and say, "why do you hate me?"

If your new Windows 11 computer does not come with an SSD hard drive it is like they are selling you a car with a carburetor, a 3 cylinder engine, and tires made of gummy bears.

Most new computers now come with SSD or M2 dives, but beware if the hard drive says it is 1TB HDD then they are likely trying to offload one of the obsolete, slow, mechanical drives they still need to get rid of.

"So Eddie! In the last couple years I bought a new computer with an Intel i3, i5 or i7 processor. But it seems slower than my previous computer! What gives?!!"

I have noticed that too!

It is the slow combination of the older mechanical hard drive and Windows 10.

Before you buy a new computer feel free to give me a quick call.  If your old computer that seems super slow recently is 3-5 yrs old or less, or older than that, but came with a top of the line processor, then for under $250 I can put an SSD in it and usually give you another 2 or 3 years of non-sluggish use.

Wanna have a computer that boots to the desktop in 10-15 seconds, and runs great with no lag like those speedy little Windows 98 machines? Make sure you get an SSD drive. If I have overstated the importance of this point, then great. :-)